Company News

Guest Speaker

Guest speaker David Carpenter delivers an intriguing presentation detailing the responsibilities of an HR vice president at Securitas. His engaging words aspired many of our Summit employees, who seek further experience in our soon-to-be home, the business workforce.



Neuqua Valley Trade Show!

Summit Stix was apart of a trade show at Neuqua Valley High School! Competing against four other firms from NVHS, Summit gained the attention from many classes, and even some teachers! The booth included a wheel spinner for candy and a raffle to win a giant stuffed animal!




Summit Stix made a visit to Feed My Starving Children in Naperville. They volunteered by packing and boxing food for children in need all around the world. They packed 93 boxes and 20,088 meals! Great job Summit!

Regional Business Competition!

Representing our team, Simran Dhir, Evan Ashley, Pooja Goel, Anya Acharya, Nandini Singh, and Avani Aggrawal take first in the Regional Business Competition at Michigan- well done!



Summit celebrates Halloween with fun costumes, candy, and games! The Finance Department showed off their minion attire, Human Resources posed as Target employees, the Marketing Department brought the heat as frat boys, the Design Team fused style with comfort in animal onesies, and our Chief Executives stayed classy with Jersey Day. Happy Halloween, from Summit Stix